
Our friend Miranda is one of those lovely creatures that is born with innate style and good taste. Whether its designing jewelry or decorating homes we love seeing what she creates. Read up on what this busy mother of 3 is up to these days.

Miranda Rashidian Karamanlis, founder of MIRA jewellery, was born in London to Persian Greek parents. She always had a strong sense of history and tradition. With a father who was raised in Japan came a fascination with the East. With this came a love of story telling. Imagination plays a strong role in her life. Lost in a world of fairy tale. Her jewellery expresses this; it is about play and protection, tradition and concepts.

Early on she developed a passion for travel and discovering this is reflected in the elements and narratives she picks up. Curious, about absolutely every thing. Drawn to aesthetics and words, from a very young age. Miranda strives to tell a story, she wants her pieces to be ordinary and yet magical at the same time. Subtle and exciting. Pieces that transcend the moment.


Here's what she's been up to:

1. New hobby or past time?
Biking around the city with my children.

2. What do you miss most?
Friends family and freedom that the possibility of travel brings.

3. Favorite comfort food?
Olives and peanut butter obviously not at the same time.

4. Currently reading?
Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E Lawrence.

5. Where do you get your News from?

6. Virtual Gym?
Downdog, It is a brilliant yoga app.

7. One Good thing that has come of this pandemic?
Cleaner air, less noise pollution and the space we have given nature.

8. Finish the sentence: "I feel positive that when this situation is over..."
we will appreciate what it means to be human.

9. Biggest fear about life after corona?
That nothing will change.

10. Virtual Hang out App?
Facetime for chatting to friends and zoom for when I need to work.

11. First thing you will do when you get out?
Dinner with friends.

12. How do you think Corona will affect the jewelkry industry in the long run?
The industry will bounce back but maybe in a slightly different form. People’s choices might be more personal and have deeper significance.

13. Currently Watching?
Our planet, I find David Attenborough’s voice soothing.

14. Finish the sentence.. "I finally found time to get around to doing..."
I have never had less time..between trying to work and look after and homeschool 3 children fulltime

15. Where are you spending the quarantine?
With my husband, 3 children and our 2 dogs.

Example blog post
Example blog post
Example blog post